Thousand Dollar Thursday, A Grand New Deal Every Week

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


     I have a lot of time to think here. Also, the people I meet and talk to are walking encyclopedias with keen insights and a wealth of experiential learning experiences. I am very blessed. I looked over my quotes that I've written down or have spoken to people and I thought I'd share them with you. I welcome your comments.

"Nothing is more exciting than that sudden flash of insight or the experience of a profound event that leaves you changed for the better."

"When things are tough and look bleak, examine the service you are giving and your attitude in giving it."

"No progress is made by being against something; success comes from being for something and expending your best in acquiring it."

"Happiness comes in love more than in being loved. To love completely and be hurt, but then to love again, produces a happy life."

"Positive thinking does not require hiding from the negative, but to not be in its employ---to not dwell on it. Being positive is a way of thinking and living when you seek the best results, even from bad conditions."

"Set out to do great things and if you fall short, adjust your policies, not your principles."

"Your heart will always tell you what you need to do."

God Bless you all.

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