Tell me why a very important segment of our population is being so demeaned, picked upon and looked down on by Washington Bureaucrats. This administration is amazing. I think they should give back the millions of dollars in political contributions given to them generously by these great achievers.
The IRS has released some very interesting numbers. When writing books, teaching seminars, and now in these blogs it's a cardinal rule to not use numbers---as in arithmatic. But one just has to if one wants to make sense out of the wonderful world of mathematics. Lately I coined the phrase, basicly given to Mr. Obama, "Mathemagician." He has a very elastic version of reality.
Let's talk about all of the recent attacks on our achievers. These are the people who create jobs, start businesses, invest money so others may do so---in short, the risk takers. Is this number growing or contracting? Let's get to the numbers.
From the dollar amounts provided by the President's IRS for the year 2007 and then 2009 an interesting tale unfolds before our very eyes. Oh I know you can see the dismal economy all around, probably on your way to work everyday. I know you've heard the rhetoric against the free enterprise system.
This first graph is the number of filers.While you read this ask yourself, does America need more or less successful people?
$200,000 and up 4,531,000 3,924,000 (-) 13%
$1,000,000 and up 390,000 237,000 (-) 39%
$10,000,000 and up 18,394 8,274 (-) 55%
TAXES PAID: The following numbers represent the taxes paid.
$200,000 and up $610 Billion $434 Billion (-) 29%
$1,000,000 and up $309 Billion $178 Billion (-) 57%
$10,000,000 and up $111 Billion $54 Billion (-) 51%
LIVID? One would think the Democrats/Liberals/Progressives would be livid with the President and the Democrats in Congress. They implement their policies and less taxes are taken in. Tax more, create uncertainty by imposing thousands of pages of new regulations plus hundreds of more felonies, and you have an economy on the track to nowhere.
Think of this: Millionaires are vanishing. Where are they going? They are staying home, or moving their money elsewhere. If only Liberals would quit using static models to make projections. Life is not static but very dynamic. Words, attacks, regulations have consequences. When will they ever learn?
The people who made $1,000,000 and up represent two-tenths of one percent (0.02%) but account for 20.4% of the income taxes paid. The next tier: Those making over $200,000 represent 3% of filers but paid 50.1% of the $866 Billion paid in taxes. Extrapolate that out: THE TOP 3% PAID MORE THAN THE BOTTOM 97%.
So we have a current gang in charge that have it all wrong. It was succinctly stated in the Wall Street Journal, sarcastically calling "Obamanomics" a raging success. "The best way to produce equality (Distribute Wealth) is to destroy Trillions of Dollars of wealth."
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